My Sister (the clown) Scarlett and Me At Scarletts First Birthday!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mirror Mirror Characters

Miss Mace told us today that she might have a cast list for us tomorrow, now although it is short notice to be writing the characters i wish to play down know, it is a part of the process which i must do. Which character?? That is the question.... which will be difficult for me to answer as i have left my Mirror Mirror book at school in my locker, but ill do my best.
I now that i would enjoy playing the clowns very much. They are lively and energetic and i believe i could do well in this role. (please note: the embarrassing photo on my blog, which i dont know how to make smaller but the clown is pretty cool hey hahahaha)
The Voice would also be a great role to play. Aside from the other main characters without he voice this play wouldn't be as great as it is, however this is not why i wish to play the voice, id just like the character and what it brings to the production.
Aside from these two roles i do now that i would rather the small, fun characters like showgirl, clowns, voice etc. rather than a deep main role like the girl.


Black Josh said...

Lol you are pretty clown-like =D

seriously tho, you did play a great clown in those audition thingy's. It seemed to come naturally to you... =D

Ally said...

and you got one! shows your predictions are pretty good.

you'll be an awesome clown, i know it.