My Sister (the clown) Scarlett and Me At Scarletts First Birthday!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mirror Mirror Characters

Miss Mace told us today that she might have a cast list for us tomorrow, now although it is short notice to be writing the characters i wish to play down know, it is a part of the process which i must do. Which character?? That is the question.... which will be difficult for me to answer as i have left my Mirror Mirror book at school in my locker, but ill do my best.
I now that i would enjoy playing the clowns very much. They are lively and energetic and i believe i could do well in this role. (please note: the embarrassing photo on my blog, which i dont know how to make smaller but the clown is pretty cool hey hahahaha)
The Voice would also be a great role to play. Aside from the other main characters without he voice this play wouldn't be as great as it is, however this is not why i wish to play the voice, id just like the character and what it brings to the production.
Aside from these two roles i do now that i would rather the small, fun characters like showgirl, clowns, voice etc. rather than a deep main role like the girl.

Politely Savage

I thought id write a short blog about what i thought of Politely Savage as we talked about the play today in class.
When first arriving at the "theatre" on Sunday Night i was excited yet afraid that this play would be like many other plays i had seen...........boring and not captivating, however i was wrong.
The Play Politely Savage was really good, and i found it based mostly around movement, which was good to see as our group production is also mostly set around physical movement. It was great to feel first hand as an audience member how an audience would react to mainly movement in theatre.
From the first moments of interaction in the first scene the improvisation was captivating as well as the plot. At times i was disturbed by the puppets as they looked very realistic.
Overall i liked the play as i found the theatrical techniques interesting. I believe it will be easy to write a review on, and i am confident that it will be good!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Weeks One to Five

YAY finally i am able to talk about drama again, lets just say i've had some trouble with this thing they call Anyways turns out i haven't written in here for ages!!! so i'm going to try and recount all that has happened in drama in the first 5 weeks!!!

Week One

Throughout this week we began by performing group activities so that we as a group could grow comfortable working with the others in our class. I don't believe working together to accomplish our goals will be hard as i believe this group has the potential to work really well together. Our goals were also discussed.
Week Two
During Week Two we were asked to being and finish reading both Jack Davis' plays "Dreamers" and "Honey Spot". I found "Honey Spot" to be more interesting than "Dreamers", however this may be because the theatrical elements were not obvious to me, as i was soon to find out. We also continued with improvisation work which was a fun break from the reading.
Week 3
Week Three was a long and tenuous process as we were reading and acting out "Dreamers" all week. Making important notes on each aspect of the play which would help us when writing our essay on this topic.
Week Four
Began to wrap up "Dreamers" the play and focus more on our Group Production piece, ideas were suggested to us as a group and we were asked to research three potential plays
  • Mirror Mirror
  • Cloud Street
  • Rhinoceroses

As a group we were all allowed to vote for which production we wished to perform. Once we had all voted on which production we thought best suited our group and our potential, Ms Mace announced that the play would be Mirror Mirror. This was very exciting as Mirror Mirror was the most interesting of the plays. All themes presented in the play relate to our lives today, and all revolve around a circus, could it get any cooler!!! with elements of fairy tales also.

Straight after the announcement we began improvisation games. We were informed that our audition was not to take place as Ms Mace would decide through our improvisation performances who will best suit each character found in Mirror Mirror. I believe that this is probably a better way of seeing each persons potential, as reading from an unfamiliar script can often be quite daunting and would not show how well you as a character could perform after studying the characters and the play for some time. Its a great choice as I find it makes the "auditioning" process alot easier.

Week Five

This week we visited Drama Day. A day allocated for all year 12 drama students to listen to fellow teachers and moderators talk about expectations of us as Year 12's. I found in particular the independent study and group production most entertaining, and also the review section very helpful.

Also this week we discovered that our group production piece was a play called Mirror Mirror (one of the three plays we were asked to vote on). Mirror Mirror seems like very energetic and out there production, which will be fun as i like over the top movement and acting, which brings me to an aspect of drama that we have been exploring this week. We have began by playing games such as Mirror (mirroring your partners movements), and moving with and without music. All tasks which have demonstrated how effective big elaborate movements can be if used with music (or without in theatre).
Promise i wont leave it this long to write again
Victoria xoxox